Saturday, September 29, 2012

Interview with my cool classmate Michael

So this week I got to talk with Com 1002 classmate Michael Faucher. I got to know him a little more outside of the classroom and let me tell you he is pretty cool. Don't believe me?  Check out the interview for yourselves. Hope you enjoy!


Here are some excerpts from the interview.
 Q: Where are you from? 

 A: "I am from a small town in upstate New York called Castancha near the Syracuse area." 

 Q2: So you know how people that aren't from the city sometimes say "The city has changed them or an opinion that they had " do you feel the same? 

A: "I don't feel the city has necessarily changed who I am as a person but it has opened me up to a lot of new experiences and has validated some of my preconceptions about it, not in a bad way but there is differently a lot to do here and I am enjoying it a lot more then my hometown at the moment". 

 Q3: What are you studying? 

 A: "Right now I am studying Journalism and it has played a big part in the fact that I have gotten into the radio station and that's been a big part in my time here".

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